About us:
We are a volunteer-run, not-for-profit native plant nursery. All plants (not otherwise marked) are indigenous (native) to the Whitehorse area.
Tubes are $2.00 each. A few plants are always sold in bigger pots. Other plants may at times be available in bigger pots.
You can use our advanced plant search function to find suitable plants (by default it will provide a list of all available plants).
On a mobile or other small screen device, please use the navigation/search menu on the top right of this page.
Some pages (such as lists of plants) work much better after turning your phone into landscape mode.
All plants in our Sales area have information sheets with some basic information, icons which represent attributes such as bird and butterfly attracting along with a QR code to our website for more information about that plant.

Find us:
107 Fulton Road, Blackburn South, Vic, 3130
* 9:00 am – 1:00pm on Wednesday & Friday
* 10:00am - 12:30pm on last Saturday of each month (except December)
Note that due to their limitations, both Google & Facebook will say we are closed on these Saturdays!
PHONE (outside of business hours it will probably go to voicemail):