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Myth Buster:Wattles rarely cause hayfever (it is mostly grasses)
Botanical Name:Acacia genistifolia
2 synonyms:   Phyllodoce genistifolia , Racosperma genistifolium
Common Name:early wattle , spreading wattle
Sold As:Tube ($2.00)
Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
3 m x 3 m
Foliage:Narrow prickly foliage 10-40 mm x 1-3 mm with central raised vein on either side, fine point on tip asymmetrical. Gland 2-4 mm above base.
Flowers:Scented light to lemon yellow ball-shaped flowerheads on slender stalks in groups of 2-4 per leaf axil, long flowering. Narrow, almost straight pods 5-11 cm x 4-7 mm, raised over seeds. Aug-Oct, Jan-May
Fast-growing open shrub with ribbed yellow tips on new growth with a long long flowering period. Birds like the insects it attracts as well as the seeds. Grows under established trees. Bird refuge, attracts seed-eating birds such as parrots.

  1. Whitehorse Council
  2. Australian Native Plants Society
  3. Yarra Ranges Council (Victora, close to us)
  4. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (VICFLORA, technical, good photos)
  5. Australian Plant Society (NSW)
  6. Wikipedia (free online encyclopedia)
  7. iNaturalist
  8. NatureMapr (Canberra)
  9. Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew UK, technical)

Propagation: From scarified seed or boiling water treatment.

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