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Botanical Name:Einadia nutans ssp. nutans
Common Name:climbing saltbush , nodding saltbush
Sold As:Tube ($2.00)
Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Indigenous Plant Use:Red berries are sweet to eat. Leaves can also be eaten but should be boiled first.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
Full Sun, Partial Shade
30 cm x 1.2 m
Foliage:The small leaves are semi-succulent, and have a distinctive arrowhead shape. They grow along long, vine-like branches spreading out form the centre of the plant. Both the leaves and the branches are of a light green colour.
Flowers:Flowers are inconspicuous green balls, which form on top of terminal spikes during summer. These transform into very conspicuous, tiny, bright-red berries during early autumn, December-April
Will tolerate rocky disturbed sites. Plants form a blanket on the surface, climbing over logs and up trees to a height of around 1 metre. Each plant grows to around one metre in diameter. It is low maintenance and has low water requirements. The Saltbush Blue butterfly caterpillars eat this plant.

  1. Whitehorse Council
  2. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (VICFLORA, technical, good photos)
  3. Wikipedia (free online encyclopedia)
  4. Butterfly Conservation (SA)
  5. iNaturalist

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