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Botanical Name:Gahnia sieberiana
Common Name:red-fruited saw-sedge
Sold As:Tube ($2.00)
Rush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Sandy, Fertile, Moist, Wet
1.5-3 m x 2-3 m
Foliage:Leaves spiralling and sheathing around stem, long, to 2.5 m, channelled and rough, becoming pendulous.
Flowers:Yellowish-brown becoming black, October-January. Dense flower spike 30-100 cm x 70 mm. Nuts bright red and shiny.

Large clumping perennial sedge. Provides seeds, insects, and habitat for birds and swamp rats. Provides food for caterpillars. Frogs like to habitat there. Many insect larvae have been recorded feeding on the red-fruit saw-sedge.

Large clump which does not spread. Nuts are very attractive against black spikes. Important food plant for the Swordgrass Brown butterfly. Excellent habitat plant. Bright ovoid red nuts

  1. Whitehorse Council
  2. Australian Native Plants Society
  3. Yarra Ranges Council (Victora, close to us)
  4. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (VICFLORA, technical, good photos)
  5. Wikipedia (free online encyclopedia)
  6. iNaturalist
  7. Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew UK, technical)

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