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Botanical Name:Goodenia ovata
synonym:   Goodenoughia ovata
Common Name:hop goodenia
Sold As:Tube ($2.00)
Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
1-2.5 m x 1-3 m
Foliage:Light green egg-shaped, toothed leaves 3-8 cm x 1-4 cm, on stalk to 3 cm.
Flowers:Small bright yellow sprays of 3-6 well displayed open flowers, August-February

Plant under established trees. Adds a natural element to a bush garden. Will tolerate periods of waterlogging. Tolerates drought and light frosts. It will grow rapidly in the absence of competition. Requires pruning to prevent straggliness.

In the “bush” this is a pioneer plant that will appear in profusion after a bushfire. After a couple of years, it can become very untidy with straggly growth and dead material towards the
base. It responds very well to pruning, you should prune in the first year and keep the growth
within the shape you require. If you think the plant has gone too far, don’t despair. The plant can be cut back 20 to 30cm from ground level. Don’t let dead material around the trunk bother you, it will soon be covered by the new growth.

  1. Whitehorse Council
  2. Australian Native Plants Society
  3. Yarra Ranges Council (Victora, close to us)
  4. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (VICFLORA, technical, good photos)
  5. Australian Plant Society (NSW)
  6. Wikipedia (free online encyclopedia)
  7. iNaturalist
  8. NatureMapr (Canberra)
  9. Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew UK, technical)

This is one of the easiest native plants to propagate from cuttings.

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