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Botanical Name:Pandorea pandorana
synonym:   Pandorea pandorana ssp. pandorana
Common Name:wonga vine
Sold As:Tube ($2.00)
Climber / Scrambler / Creeper, Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Wet, Well Drained
climbs to 6 m
Foliage:Pairs of glossy dark green leaves divided into pairs of leaflets. Juvenile leaves 2-8 cm long, 8-17 small bluntly toothed leaflets; adult - 8-16 cm long, 3-9 egg-shaped leaflets 2.5-8 cm x 5-30 mm, longer terminal leaflet, tip tapering to a point.
Flowers:Long weeping sprays of tubular flowers, maroon markings in throat and on lobes, hairy inside, lobes spreading, September-January

Dense vigorous climber for a strong trellis or to grow up established trees. Roots need to be well mulched or kept cool. Birds like nesting in it.

Moist to wet draining soils in moist to wet gullies and forests, or occasionally rocky exposed sites. Tolerant of light frosts. While the canopy is in the sun, the roots will be in cool, moist soil.

  1. Australian Native Plants Society
  2. Yarra Ranges Council (Victora, close to us)
  3. Royal Botanic Gardens Victoria (VICFLORA, technical, good photos)
  4. Australian Plant Society (NSW)
  5. Wikipedia (free online encyclopedia)
  6. Royal Botanic Gardens (Kew UK, technical)

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