Botanical Name: | Poa tenera synonym: Poa aff. tenera |
Common Name: | slender tussock-grass |
Sold As: | Tube ($2.00) |
Plant Type(s): | Grass, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting |
Growing Conditions: | Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained |
Size (HxW): | 5-20 cm high |
Foliage: | Smooth, thin folded or inrolled leaves, to 20 cm x 1.5 mm, veins becoming raised as leaf dries. Sheath pale, occasionally red to purple.. |
Flowers: | October-January, Pale green spikelets |
General Comments: | Effective trailing down embankments. Slender bright green trailing perennial, trailing branches rooting at nodes. Flowering stems weakly erect. Birds like it for its seeds, habitat & nesting materials. It is a food plant for caterpillars. Moist soils in shady forests and riparian scrubs along watercourses. Semi shade to dappled shade. An attractive bright grass useful as a groundcover in moist areas, especially on embankments. Flowerheads are beautiful with the sun behind them. |
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