Botanical Name: | Rytidosperma tenuius 3 synonyms: Austrodanthonia tenuior, Danthonia purpurascens, Danthonia tenuior |
Common Name: | purplish wallaby-grass |
Sold As: | Tube ($2.00) |
Plant Type(s): | Grass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting |
Growing Conditions: | Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained |
Size (HxW): | 25-40 cm (stems to 1 m) x 40 cm |
Foliage: | Hairless to hairy, flat or folded leaves to 25 cm x 4 mm, becoming loosely inrolled. |
Flowers: | Narrow flowerheads 3-15 cm long. Purplish spikelets 4-6-flowered. Broad, firm, shiny lower floral bract, 2 rows of hairs, some also scattered between; upper hairs longer than twisted part of central bristle; lobes slender, tapering, October-January |
General Comments: | Erect, loosely tufted perennial grass. Purplish bracts of young flowers is attractive and helps identification. Useful growing with other grasses and herbs or under trees. Cool moist to well drained soil. |
Further Information: |