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Matches the regular expression "/scent|smell|aroma/"

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Image(s) Botanical Name Common Name(s) Type Size
Acacia genistifolia
2 synonyms: Phyllodoce genistifolia, Racosperma genistifolium
early wattle, spreading wattleTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
3 m x 3 m
Acacia implexa
synonym: Racosperma implexum
hickory wattle, lightwoodLarge Tree (over 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
5-15 m x 4-7 m
Acacia pycnantha
synonym: Racosperma pycnanthum
golden wattleTree (up to 6 m), Large Tree (over 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
Roasted seeds and gum can be eaten. Bark used as a sedative for rheumatism.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
3-10 m x 2-5 m
Arthropodium milleflorum
2 synonyms: Anthericum milleflorum, Phalangium milleflorum
pale vanilla lilyLily, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Popular (home), Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Clay, Moist
Tubers can be eaten raw or roasted. Flowers can be eaten raw.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
1 m x 30 cm
Arthropodium strictum
synonym: Dichopogon strictus
chocolate lilyLily, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Nature Strip, Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
Tubers can be eaten raw or roasted but the chocolate scented flowers are not edible.  The tubers are juicy and slightly bitter in taste.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
0.2-1.2 m x 20-80 cm
Burchardia umbellatamilkmaids, popoto, star-of- bethlehemLily, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Well Drained
Tubers can be roasted or eaten raw.  The potato like tuber are white, fleshy, crisp, and starchy, with a nondescript flavor.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
50 cm high
Cassinia aculeata
2 synonyms: Calea aculeata, Cassinia affinis
common cassinia, dogwood, dolly bushLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m)
Clay, Moist, Wet, Well Drained
4 m x 2 m
Cassinia longifoliacauliflower bush, long-leaf cassinia, shiny cassiniaMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
2-4 m x 3 m
Chrysocephalum semipapposum
3 synonyms: Argyrocome semipapposa, Gnaphalium semipapposum, Helichrysum semipapposum
clustered everlastingGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Nature Strip
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
50 cm x 1 m
Correa reflexa var. speciosa
synonym: Correa reflexa var. cardinalis
eastern correa, red correaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
Spreading shrub to 1 m high
Eucalyptus melliodorahoney-scented gum, honey box, yellow box, yellow ironbark, yellow ironboxLarge Tree (over 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Clay, Well Drained
10-30 m x 8-25 m
Eucalyptus radiatablack peppermint, forth river peppermint, grey peppermint, narrow-leafed peppermint, new south wales messmateLarge Tree (over 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
10-30 m x 6-20 m
Lomandra filiformis ssp coriacea
3 synonyms: Dracaena filiformis, Xerotes filiformis, Xerotes thunbergii
wattle mat-rushLily, Grass Like / Strappy, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Sandy, Clay, Moist, Well Drained
Nectar for food, and the leaves for basket makingCAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
15 x 50 cm
Lomandra longifolia
synonym: Xerotes longifolia
basket grass, karawun, spiny-headed mat-rush, spiny-head mat-rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
Young white leaves can be chewed to release starch.  The leaves were used to make strong nets and baskets.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
0.5-1 m x 0.5-1.2 m
Mentha australisaustralian mint, river mint, wild mintGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Wet
Leaves can be used to make tea, and also to treat coughs and colds.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
80 cm x 1 m
Myoporum petiolatum
synonym: Myoporum sp. 1
sticky boobiallaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Hedging, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Full Sun
Dry, Well Drained
0.5-2 m x 1.5-2 m
Ozothamnus ferrugineus
7 synonyms: Chrysocoma ferruginea, Eupatorium ferrugineum, Helichrysum dendroideum, Helichrysum ferrugineum, Ozothamnus dendroideus, Petalolepis ferruginea, Podolepis ferruginea
tree everlastingTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Well Drained
2-6 m x 2-4 m
Pelargonium australe
2 synonyms: Geraniospermum australe, Geranium australe
austral stork's-bill, native storksbill, wild geraniumGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Nature Strip, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
30-60 cm x 0.3-1 m
Pelargonium inodorum
synonym: Geranium inodorum
kopata, wild pelargoniumGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
35 cm x 70 cm
Prostanthera lasianthoscoranderrk, victorian christmas-bushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Aromatic leaves can be used to make tea or flavour food.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
2-6 m x 2-5 m
Prostanthera melissifoliabalm mint-bushMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Indigenous Plant Use, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Aromatic leaves can be used to make tea or flavour food.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
1-3 m x 2-3
Spyridium parvifolium
4 synonyms: Cryptandra hookeri, Cryptandra parvifolia, Pomaderris parvifolia, Trymalium parvifolium
dusty millerLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Well Drained
1-3 m x 1-2 m
Xanthorrhoea minor subsp. luteasmall grass-tree, toolimerinLily, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
The grassy leaves have an edible base, the young roots are sweet and while the flowers provided nectar the flower stems were used as light-weight spears.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
0.6-1 m x 0.2-1 m

Displaying 23 plants matching:
Matches the regular expression "/scent|smell|aroma/"

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