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Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)

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Image(s) Botanical Name Common Name(s) Type Size
Acacia acinacea
synonym: Racosperma acinaceum
gold dust wattleLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
0.5-2.5 m x 2-4 m
Acacia ulicifolia
2 synonyms: Mimosa ulicifolia, Racosperma ulicifolium
juniper wattleLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bird Attracting
Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
1-2 m x 1-2 m
Alisma plantago-aquatica
3 synonyms: Alisma major, Alisma plantago-aquatica subsp. latifolium, Damasonium plantago-aquaticum
common water-plantain, european water-plantain, mad-dog weed, water plantainLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
1 m x 50 cm
Bossiaea prostratacreeping bossiaeaGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Well Drained
0.5-1.5 m wide
Cassinia aculeata
2 synonyms: Calea aculeata, Cassinia affinis
common cassinia, dogwood, dolly bushLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m)
Clay, Moist, Wet, Well Drained
4 m x 2 m
Chrysocephalum semipapposum
3 synonyms: Argyrocome semipapposa, Gnaphalium semipapposum, Helichrysum semipapposum
clustered everlastingGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Nature Strip
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
50 cm x 1 m
Coronidium scorpioides
synonym: Helichrysum scorpioides
button everlasting, curling everlastingGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
30 cm x 30 cm
Correa reflexacommon correaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
2 m x 1-2 m
Correa reflexa var. speciosa
synonym: Correa reflexa var. cardinalis
eastern correa, red correaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
Spreading shrub to 1 m high
Craspedia variabiliscommon billy buttonsGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Nature Strip, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy
1 m x 30 cm
Crassula helmsii
synonym: Tillaea helmsii
new zealand pigmyweed, spreading crassula, swamp crassula, swamp stonecropGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Aquatic
Full Sun
Boggy, Aquatic
30 cm high
Dianella longifolia var. longifolia
synonym: Dianella laevis
blueberry lily, blue flax-lily, pale flax-lily, smooth flax lilyLily, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk), Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Dark blue or purple berries edibleCAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
30-80 cm x 50 cm
Dillwynia cinerascensgrey parrot-peaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m)
Partial Shade
Dry, Well Drained
0.6-1.5 m x 0.5-1.5 m
Einadia nutans subsp. nutansclimbing saltbush, nodding saltbushGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Red berries are sweet to eat. Leaves can also be eaten but should be boiled first.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
30 cm x 1.2 m
Geranium solanderi var. solanderiaustral crane's bill, australian cranesbill, cut-leaf cranesbill, hairy geranium, native carrot, native geranium, southern cranesbillGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Indigenous Plant Use
Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Woody tap root rich in starch can be cooked and eaten.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
50 cm x 1.5 m, stems to 50 cm long.
Glycine clandestina
3 synonyms: Leptolobium clandestinum, Teramnus clandestinus, Triendilix clandestina
love creeper, twining glycineGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Climber / Scrambler / Creeper, Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
30 cm to 2 m high
Gonocarpus tetragynus
4 synonyms: Haloragis rubra, Haloragis tetragyna, Haloragis tetragyna var. bicallosa, Haloragis tetragyna var. serrata
common raspwortGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
15-30 cm x 40 cm
Goodenia ovata
synonym: Goodenoughia ovata
hop goodeniaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
1-2.5 m x 1-3 m
Gratiola peruvianaaustral brooklimeGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
30 cm x 1.5 m
Hakea decurrens ssp. physocarpabushy needlewoodLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
2-5 m x 1-3 m
Hovea heterophyllacommon hovea, creeping hoveaGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)
Partial Shade
Clay, Dry, Well Drained
30-60 cm x 30 cm
Indigofera australis
synonym: Anil australis
australian indigo, austral indigoLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Well Drained
2 m x 2 m
Juncus planifoliusbroad-leaved rush, broadleaf rush, grass-leaved rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
2-50 cm x 10-30 cm
Kennedia prostrata
synonym: Caulinia prostrata
running postman, scarlet coral pea, scarlet runnerGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Nature Strip, Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
Nectar is sweet like honeysuckle, stems can be used for twine.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
1-2.5 m wide
Lagenophora sublyrata
synonym: Ixauchenus sublyratus
slender bottle-daisy, slender lagenifera, slender lagenophoraGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
25 cm x 8 cm
Leptorhyncos tenuifoliuswiry buttonsGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Well Drained
30 cm x 30 cm
Leucopogon virgatus
synonym: Choristemon humilis
common beard heathLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Sandy, Infertile, Well Drained
The berries can be eaten.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
up to 50 cm high
Linum marginaleaustralian flax, native flax, wild flaxGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Sandy, Clay, Moist, Wet, Well Drained
30-60 cm (sometimes up to 1 m) x 30 cm
Lythrum salicariapurple loosestrifeGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse, Aquatic
Full Sun
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
1-2 m x 1 m
Mazus pumilioswamp mazusGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Wet
to 1 m high
Mentha australisaustralian mint, river mint, wild mintGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Wet
Leaves can be used to make tea, and also to treat coughs and colds.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
80 cm x 1 m
Microseris walteri
2 synonyms: Microseris aff. lanceolata, Microseris sp. 3
murnong, yam daisyGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Tuber can be eaten raw or cooked (roasted or fried).CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
Prostrate, stems to 50cm, 15-50 cm wide.
Myoporum petiolatum
synonym: Myoporum sp. 1
sticky boobiallaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Bee Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Hedging, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Full Sun
Dry, Well Drained
0.5-2 m x 1.5-2 m
Patersonia occidentalis var. occidentalislong purple flag, purple flagGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Sandy, Clay, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
20-80 cm x 30-60 cm
Pelargonium australe
2 synonyms: Geraniospermum australe, Geranium australe
austral stork's-bill, native storksbill, wild geraniumGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Nature Strip, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
30-60 cm x 0.3-1 m
Pelargonium inodorum
synonym: Geranium inodorum
kopata, wild pelargoniumGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
35 cm x 70 cm
Persicaria decipiens
3 synonyms: Persicaria minor ssp. decipiens, Polygonum decipiens, Polygonum minus ssp. decipiens
slender knotweedGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
60-80 cm x 1 m
Pimelea humilis
synonym: Banksia humilis
common rice-flower, dwarf riceflowerGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
10-30 cm x 0.3-1 m
Platylobium obtusangulumcommon flat-peaGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Well Drained
1 m x 1 m
Pterostylis curtablunt greenhoodGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Popular (home)
Partial Shade
30 cm tall
Pterostylis nutansnodding greenhood, parrot's beak orchidGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Fertile, Moist
30 cm high
Pultenaea gunnii ssp. gunniigolden bush-peaLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
0.5-1.5 m x 0.5 m
Ranunculus inundatus
synonym: Ranunculus rivularis var. inundatus
river buttercupGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
5-30 cm high
Solanum avicularekangaroo apple, pam plumLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Has berries which are poisonous while green, but edible once orange.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
1-4 m x 1-4 m
Spyridium parvifolium
4 synonyms: Cryptandra hookeri, Cryptandra parvifolia, Pomaderris parvifolia, Trymalium parvifolium
dusty millerLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Well Drained
1-3 m x 1-2 m
Stackhousia monogynacreamy candles, creamy stackhousiaGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Cottage
Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
10-30 cm x 10-30 cm
Stylidium armeria
synonym: Stylidium graminifolium var graminifolium
thrift-leaved trigger-plantGrass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
20-60 cm x 20-30 cm
Veronica gracilisslender speedwellGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
15-30 cm x 1 m
Veronica plebeia
4 synonyms: Veronica calycina, Veronica deltoidea, Veronica elongata, Veronica vitifolia
Creeping Speedwell, Trailing SpeedwellGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
2 m wide
Viola betonicifoliaarrow-leaved violet, arrowhead violet, mountain violet, showy violetGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
5-4030 cm x 15 cm
Wahlenbergia capillaris
2 synonyms: Campanula capillaris, Wahlenbergia communis
tufted bluebellGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Petals are edible.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
15-50 cm x 15 cm
Wahlenbergia gracilis
4 synonyms: Campanula gracilis, Cervicina gracilis, Lightfootia gracilis, Wahlenbergia vinciflora
australian bluebell, sprawling bluebellGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Well Drained
10-60 cm x 0.3-1 m
Xerochrysum viscosum
2 synonyms: Bracteantha viscosa, Helichrysum viscosum
sticky everlastingGround Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Cottage, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Full Sun
Dry, Well Drained
20-90 cm x 0.3-1 m

Displaying 53 plants matching:
Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m)

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