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(Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m) OR Tree (up to 6 m))

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Image(s) Botanical Name Common Name(s) Type Size
Acacia genistifolia
2 synonyms: Phyllodoce genistifolia, Racosperma genistifolium
early wattle, spreading wattleTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
3 m x 3 m
Acacia lanigera
synonym: Racosperma lanigerum
hairy wattle, woolly wattleMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tree (up to 6 m)
Full Sun
Sandy, Clay, Infertile, Dry, Well Drained
Grows up to 2 m high
Acacia myrtifolia
2 synonyms: Mimosa myrtifolia, Racosperma myrtifolium
myrtle wattleMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Sandy, Clay, Well Drained
1-3 m x 1-2 m
Acacia paradoxa
4 synonyms: Acacia armata, Acacia undulata, Mimosa paradoxa, Racosperma paradoxum
acacia hedge, hedge wattle, kangaroo acacia, kangaroo thorn, paradox acacia, prickly mosses, prickly wattle, wild irishmanMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
2-4 m x 2-5 m
Acacia pycnantha
synonym: Racosperma pycnanthum
golden wattleTree (up to 6 m), Large Tree (over 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
Roasted seeds and gum can be eaten. Bark used as a sedative for rheumatism.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
3-10 m x 2-5 m
Acacia stricta
3 synonyms: Mimosa stricta, Phyllodoce stricta, Racosperma strictum
hop wattle, straight wattleTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk), Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Sandy, Moist
2-5 m x 2-4 m
Acacia verticillata
4 synonyms: Acacia verticillata var. angusta, Mimosa verticillata, Phyllodoce verticillata, Racosperma verticillatum
prickly-leaved wattle, prickly mimosa, prickly moses, star-leaved wattle, whorl-leaved acaciaTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Hedging
Partial Shade
Sandy, Clay, Moist, Wet
2-5 m x 3-5 m
Banksia cunninghamii
synonym: Banksia spinulosa var. cunninghamii
hairpin banksiaMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
2-4 m x 2-5 m
Bursaria spinosa
synonym: Bursaria spinosa var. normalis
blackthorn, boxthorn, kurwan (d'harawal), sweet bursaria, tupyTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Well Drained
6 m x 3 m
Callistemon sieberi
2 synonyms: Callistemon paludosus, Melaleuca paludicola
river bottlebrushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Clay, Moist, Wet, Poorly Drained
3-10 m x 2-6 m
Cassinia longifoliacauliflower bush, long-leaf cassinia, shiny cassiniaMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
2-4 m x 3 m
Coprosma quadrifida
2 synonyms: Canthium quadrifidum, Marquisia billardierei
native currant, prickly currant-bushMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Berries are sweet and high in vitamin C. They can be eaten raw or cooked.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
2-4 m x 1-1.5 m
Correa glabraivory lantern, rock correa, smooth correaMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Erect shrub to 2.7 m high
Daviesia latifoliahop bitter-peaMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Well Drained
3 m x 2 m
Goodia lotifoliaclover bush, clover tree, golden-tip, yellow peaTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
5 m x 5 m
Gynatrix pulchella
4 synonyms: Abutilon pulchellum, Napaea pulchella, Plagianthus pulchellus, Sida pulchella
Hemp Bush, Aboriginal hempTall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
1.5-3 m x 2-4 m
Hakea nodosayellow hakea, yellow needlebushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
1-3 m x 1-2 m
Kunzea leptospermoidesburgan, yarra burganMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
2-5 m x 2-4 m
Leptospermum continentale
synonym: Leptospermum juniperinum
Prickly Tea-treeMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Sandy, Clay, Moist, Wet, Well Drained
1.2 m x 1.2
Leptospermum lanigerum
2 synonyms: Leptospermum australe, Philadelphus laniger
Woolly TeatreeTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Tree (up to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Poorly Drained
2-6 m x 1-3 m
Leptospermum scoparium
synonym: Leptospermum aff. continentale
black tea-tree, broom tea-tree, manuka, mānuka myrtle, new zealand teatree, prickly tea-treeTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Insect Attracting, Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
1-4 m x 1-2 m
Melaleuca ericifolia
2 synonyms: Cajuputi ericifolia, Myrtoleucodendron ericifolium
Swamp PaperbarkTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Large Tree (over 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
2-9 m x 3 m
Melicytus dentatus
4 synonyms: Hymenanthera banksii, Hymenanthera dentata, Hymenanthera sp. aff. dentata, Melicytus sp. aff. dentatus
tree violetTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade
Fertile, Moist, Well Drained
2-4 m x 1-2.5 m
Olearia liratasnowy daisy-bushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Clay, Moist, Well Drained
2-5 m x 2-3 m
Olearia ramulosa
5 synonyms: Aster ramulosus, Diplostephium ramulosum, Eurybia ramulosa, Olearia ramulosa var. communis, Shawia ramulosa
twiggy daisy-bushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
0.5-2 m x 1 m
Ozothamnus ferrugineus
7 synonyms: Chrysocoma ferruginea, Eupatorium ferrugineum, Helichrysum dendroideum, Helichrysum ferrugineum, Ozothamnus dendroideus, Petalolepis ferruginea, Podolepis ferruginea
tree everlastingTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Hedging
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Well Drained
2-6 m x 2-4 m
Pomaderris asperahazel pomaderrisTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Tree (up to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
3-6 m x 2-4 m
Pomaderris racemosacluster pomaderris, slender pomaderrisTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
2-5 m x 1-2 m
Prostanthera lasianthoscoranderrk, victorian christmas-bushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Aromatic leaves can be used to make tea or flavour food.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
2-6 m x 2-5 m
Prostanthera melissifoliabalm mint-bushMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Indigenous Plant Use, May not be Indigenous to Whitehorse
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Aromatic leaves can be used to make tea or flavour food.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
1-3 m x 2-3
Pultenaea scabrarough bush peaMedium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Erect or spreading shrub to 3 m high
Solanum avicularekangaroo apple, pam plumLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Has berries which are poisonous while green, but edible once orange.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
1-4 m x 1-4 m
Spyridium parvifolium
4 synonyms: Cryptandra hookeri, Cryptandra parvifolia, Pomaderris parvifolia, Trymalium parvifolium
dusty millerLow Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Medium Shrub (1 to 2 m), Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Partial Shade, Shade
Well Drained
1-3 m x 1-2 m
Viminaria juncea
3 synonyms: Daviesia juncea, Pultenaea juncea, Sophora juncea
golden spray, native broom, swishbushTall Shrub (2 to 6 m)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
2.5-5 m x 2 m

Displaying 34 plants matching:
(Tall Shrub (2 to 6 m) OR Tree (up to 6 m))

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