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Grass Like / Strappy

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Image(s) Botanical Name Common Name(s) Type Size
Arthropodium strictum
synonym: Dichopogon strictus
chocolate lilyLily, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Bee Attracting, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Nature Strip, Cottage, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
Tubers can be eaten raw or roasted but the chocolate scented flowers are not edible.  The tubers are juicy and slightly bitter in taste.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
0.2-1.2 m x 20-80 cm
Austrostipa rudis ssp. rudis
2 synonyms: Stipa nervosa, Stipa rudis
veined spear grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist
to 40 cm (stems to 1.3 m) x 50 cm - 80 cm
Carex appressa
3 synonyms: Carex appressa var. typica, Carex paniculata var. appressa, Vignea appressa
tall sedgeRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy
1.2 m x 1 m
Carex fascicularis
2 synonyms: Carex forsteri var. fascicularis, Carex pseudocyperus var. fascicularis
frog grass, tassel sedgeRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade
Moist, Wet
1 m high
Cyperus lucidus
synonym: Mariscus lucidus
common leaf-rush, cutting grass, cutty, leafy flat-sedge, leafy flat sedge, moo-oo grassRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Wet, Boggy, Aquatic
1.5 m high
Dichelachne crinita
6 synonyms: Agrostis crinita, Anthoxanthum crinitum, Deyeuxia crinita, Dichelachne forsteriana, Dichelachne longiseta, Muhlenbergia crinita
long-hair plume grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
30 cm (panicle plume to 1.5 metres from late Winter) x 30 cm
Eleocharis acuta
2 synonyms: Eleocharis palustris var. mucronulata, Scirpus acutus
common spike-rush, small spikerushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Full Sun
Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
30-90 cm high
Gahnia sieberianared-fruited saw-sedgeRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Sandy, Fertile, Moist, Wet
1.5-3 m x 2-3 m
Juncus amabilishollow rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet
0.2-1.2 m x 0.2-0.5 m
Juncus gregiflorusgreen rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Partial Shade
Moist, Wet
0.4-1.7 m x 0.6-1.5 m
Juncus pallidusgiant rush, great soft-rush, leafless rush, pale rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Infertile, Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
2.3 m x 1 m
Juncus pauciflorusdwarf rush, loose-flower rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy
1 m x 60 cm
Juncus planifoliusbroad-leaved rush, broadleaf rush, grass-leaved rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bird Attracting, Aquatic
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
2-50 cm x 10-30 cm
Juncus sarophorusbroom rush, fan-flowered rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Aquatic
Partial Shade
Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained, Aquatic
0.6-1.8 m x 0.5-1 m
Juncus subsecundusfingered rush, finger rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Clay, Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
0.5-1 m x 0.5-1 m
Lepidosperma laterale
synonym: Lepidosperma laterale var. typicum
Variable Sword SedgeGrass, Rush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade, Shade
Sandy, Moist
30–100 cm (Flower stalks to 1 m) x 2–8 mm
Lomandra filiformis ssp coriacea
3 synonyms: Dracaena filiformis, Xerotes filiformis, Xerotes thunbergii
wattle mat-rushLily, Grass Like / Strappy, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Sandy, Clay, Moist, Well Drained
Nectar for food, and the leaves for basket makingCAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
15 x 50 cm
Lomandra longifolia
synonym: Xerotes longifolia
basket grass, karawun, spiny-headed mat-rush, spiny-head mat-rushRush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
Young white leaves can be chewed to release starch.  The leaves were used to make strong nets and baskets.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
0.5-1 m x 0.5-1.2 m
Microlaena stipoidesweeping grass, weeping meadow grass, weeping rice grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
20 cm (stems to 1 m) x 60 cm
Poa ensiformispurple-sheath tussock-grass, sword tussock-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk)
Partial Shade, Shade
30-50 cm (stems to 1 m) x 1 m
Poa labillardiereicommon tussock-grass, river tussock, river tussock grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk), Nature Strip
Full Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
30-80 cm (stems to 1.2 m) x 60-80 cm
Poa morrisiisoft tussock-grass, velvet tussock grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Popular (bulk), Nature Strip, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Infertile, Dry, Moist, Well Drained
30 cm high
Poa sieberiana ssp. hirtellagrey tussock-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (home), Nature Strip
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
30 cm x 40 cm
Poa tenera
synonym: Poa aff. tenera
slender tussock-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting
Partial Shade, Shade
Moist, Well Drained
5-20 cm high
Rytidosperma caespitosum
2 synonyms: Austrodanthonia caespitosa, Danthonia caespitosa
common wallaby-grass, ringed wallaby grass, white-topGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
20-40 cm (stems to 1.2 m) x 40 cm
Rytidosperma fulvum
2 synonyms: Austrodanthonia fulva, Danthonia linkii var. fulva
copper-awned wallaby-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
40 (stems to 1 m) x 40 cm
Rytidosperma geniculatum
2 synonyms: Austrodanthonia geniculata, Danthonia geniculata
kneed wallaby-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Popular (home)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
15 cm (stems to 30 cm) x 20 cm
Rytidosperma pallidum
3 synonyms: Chionochloa pallida, Danthonia pallida, Joycea pallida
redanther wallaby grass, silvertop wallaby grassGrass, Rush / Sedge, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Well Drained
0.5-1 m x 0.3 m - stems to 1.8 m high
Rytidosperma racemosum
2 synonyms: Austrodanthonia racemosa, Danthonia racemosa
clustered wallaby-grass, striped wallaby grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
20 cm (stems to 60 cm) x 15 cm
Rytidosperma setaceum
5 synonyms: Austrodanthonia setacea, Danthonia penicillata var. setacea, Danthonia setacea, Danthonia subulata, Notodanthonia setacea
bristly wallaby-grass, mulga wallaby grass, small-flowered wallaby-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk)
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Dry, Moist, Well Drained
30 cm (stems to 60 cm) x 40 cm
Rytidosperma tenuius
3 synonyms: Austrodanthonia tenuior, Danthonia purpurascens, Danthonia tenuior
purplish wallaby-grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
25-40 cm (stems to 1 m) x 40 cm
Stylidium armeria
synonym: Stylidium graminifolium var graminifolium
thrift-leaved trigger-plantGrass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Low Growing Shrub (30 cm to 1 m), Bee Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Cottage
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
20-60 cm x 20-30 cm
Themeda triandra
3 synonyms: Anthistiria forskalii, Themeda australis, Themeda polygama
kangaroo grassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy, Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Popular (bulk), Nature Strip, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Well Drained
Seeds can be ground to produce flour.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
40-75 cm (stems to 90 cm) x 50-70 cm
Triglochin striataStreaked Arrowgrass, Three-ribbed Arrow-grass, three-rib arrowgrassGrass, Grass Like / Strappy
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Moist, Wet, Boggy, Poorly Drained
3-25 cm x Spreading
Xanthorrhoea minor subsp. luteasmall grass-tree, toolimerinLily, Grass Like / Strappy, Ground Cover (up to 30 cm), Bird Attracting, Butterfly Attracting, Insect Attracting, Indigenous Plant Use
Full Sun, Partial Shade
Well Drained
The grassy leaves have an edible base, the young roots are sweet and while the flowers provided nectar the flower stems were used as light-weight spears.CAUTION: Many plants are poisonous if not collected and prepared properly!
0.6-1 m x 0.2-1 m

Displaying 35 plants matching:
Grass Like / Strappy

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